Friday 29 May 2009

Back from the dead

It has certainly been a very long time since I've posted last.

Mathias, my third child, was born on 12. may, 03.19 at night. I was in Copenhagen with my former group from ethnology, having a bit of fun, when she called and asked me to come home, as she wasn't feeling too well.
Although the train stopped midway, and I was too drunk to think of anything else than running home from Lyngby (instead of just hailing a taxi... idiot), I got there in time, we called her mum, an ambulance came and picked us up, and Mathias was born shortly after arriving at Herlev hospital.

The birth itself was over very quickly, he was born in minutes. The rest was traumatic. Cecilie was bleeding, and had to go under anesthesia, nothing serious, but I didn't know that at the time. I sat for hours with Mathias, alone in the delivery room, not knowing how she was.

Luckily everything went well from there on out. Maybe I'll write more about it at a later date, catharsis and all that, but no more at the present.

Mathias is growing like crazy, at the time of writing he is 1½ months old, and he's almost doubled in weight, and has grown a good 7 centimeters.

It would seem as though I suffer from Twitteritis. As soon as I see something interesting, I tweet about it, and it promptly leaves my mind. For some reason ever since I've started using twitter my blog post count has become non-existent.

For what it is worth, here are all my unfinished drafts from the past year, in chronological order:


On saturday Cecilie, Clara and I went to Copenhagen. Andreas spent most of the day with Cecilies mum. I was pretty tired, having (urged on by Cecilie no less) been to KUA for a bit of a party with some brits and fellow students the night before. Good times.
We strolled around in the most excellent sunshine for a while, just enjoying each others company. We met up with my mum and Signe a bit later on, as they had planned a shopping trip for some time. I managed to take some quite decent pictures, macro is your best friend, especially when tired.


I, for some innocuous reason, really, really enjoy jackass. It's just fun, right?

The entire phenomena...


What do you remember...

From when you were a child?

I was born in 1982. The eighties are something I have come to grips with eventually. When I was a teenager, with the angst, an the rebellion and so forth, they were a decade to be despised, full of shoulderpads and bad hair.

But in the last few years, as my children have been growing up, I equate them with happy childhood memories. And a lot of those are based around entertainment media.
Of course there was everything else that defines your memories and who you are as a person, playing with friends, beach, forest, bramble, snow, and everything in between. But there were other times, when it was raining, or you were finally allowed to watch a bit of TV, or, lo and behold, were taken to the cinema, that stick out as well.

The big ones are dominated by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg of course, but there were others, oh yes, there were others. Lazy afternoons at home, spent primarily watching american sitcoms while waiting for Star Trek or Mcgyver to come on, or the matinee program. And here some of the real nuggets emerge: Steve Martin,


Came back from Oslo today, Cecilie and I. The trip was just what I needed. Just my beloved and I, alone, for almost three whole days. Oslo was exciting, if a bit too hot and sweltering for my taste, it definetely merits more of my time, and I shall visit it again.

I've been feeling trapped. By everything really. Studies, family, all in a big snake-like circle, with a fetish for biting its own tail. Unpleasant. I feel much better now, and can again appreciate my family. And I no longer fear the direction my studies are taking me.
I had a bit of an anxiety moment a bit back, when I checked my grades, which are, not to put too fine a point on it, not the best.
And I am used to being the best in the class.
But my priorities have changed immensely. I want to learn something for myself, and become a better human being by doing so, instead of excelling at classes.

My recent preoccupations can best be expressed, peculiarly, through something similar in World of Warcraft. Boy that sounds wrong.


My Son

I love Andreas. But for some reason I am very hard on him a lot of the time.

And I don't even know why. This is not a conscious decision on my part.



When I am awake at night, sitting all alone in front of the screen, my brain bubbles with creativity. It is usually at about this time that I am too tired to do anything but gain a few hours of fitful sleep, only to go through another day, that, granted, includes rather a lot of hapiness and to a certain degree deep thought, but very much less than I'd like it to.

Deep thoughts equal happiness to me. Be they philosophical, academical, romantic, humorous... whatever niche of human existence they belong to, the more I understand them, or the better I feel I understand them, the better I feel.

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