Saturday 5 July 2008


It has been an uneventful day.

The sun has been baking the earth, and my head, too.

I love when it is this warm. You can't think, therefore you don't have to think. It's like being drunk in that regard. Relaxing.

Just saw Wanted, quite a good movie, if a bit naive in its execution, the point was still driven home. There were quite a lot of leaps, both logically and in the narrative, but the whole experience made them less important. And Angelina Jolie is one of the hottest women on the planet.

Now the sun is down, my brain is cooling off... and I feel like doing something. Sitting at the beach all night with a lit fire. Something.

At lot of my life lately has been about mood. The other night I had to stay up with Clara, as she had fallen out of her bed, and we were scared she might have a concussion. I sat up until the early morning, and watched Jamie at Home. And I pretty much was in the english countryside during the summer.

I don't know. I guess I am just used to a bit more happening than it is right now, I am in between studies, I don't know anything about when my reexam is going to be, I don't know where I am starting this september... and there's not much for me to do about it, as everyone is on vacation.
Ergo I feel like doing something. Anything. Bleh, I'll just play some more WoW probably.