Monday 28 April 2008


On saturday Cecilie, Clara and I went to Copenhagen. Andreas spent most of the day with Cecilies mum. I was pretty tired, having (urged on by Cecilie no less) been to KUA for a bit of a party with some brits and fellow students the night before. Good times.We strolled around in the most excellent sunshine for a while, just enjoying each others company. We met up with my mum and Signe a bit later on, as they had planned a shopping trip for some time. I managed to take some quite decent pictures, macro is your best friend, especially when tired.

A cosplayer dressed up for the 25th anniversary of Warhammer.

Bit of detail, famous towering structure in Copenhagen.

Kongens Nytorv, street vendor hawking silken scarves.

Kongens Nytorv, cutest sticker art ever.

On Strøget, a knight of the open road campaigning for equal pay.

Cecilie smiling at Clara smiling at sitting on Signes shoulders.

Me mum, a bit out of frame.

Looking very cool indeed.

Friday 25 April 2008

Our bloody cat...

Which is to be taken literally, just jumped off the balcony. Hell. Our downstairs neighbour came running up asking if she was ours.

She's fine, nothing broken, no obvious pains, just a few superficial scratches and a sore butt. Luckily we really don't live very high up, I'd say 7-8 metres or so, and she landed on grass. Still gave us quite a fright though.


I'm slowly beginning to get into surf music big time. Well, it seems I have been for some time, I just didn't now it.
I've always been a fan of evocative instrumental music with an eerie undertone, one of my first experiences was from old Lucas Arts adventure games (Okay, so not strictly instrumental, you catch my drift though).
Hearing the first few notes of the Monkey Island theme, or even better, some of the background music from Sam & Max Hit the Road, can still send shivers down my spine.
While browsing Last.FM, i stumbled across a very unknown band from south america, Os Pazuzus (the sloths, or so I am informed) with a most delightful twang to their sound, redolent of beaches, waves, and a bright sun shining down on you. Only on Mars, and the aliens are coming in fast on their boards.

They only ever made a demo CD apparently, which they have kindly made available online. Check out the Twilight Zone in the blogroll for more of the same. Oh yeah.

Flowery... powery?

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I can't sleep. Yet again. It's damn near two o'clock at night, and I can't sleep even though I'm tired.
My hyperactive brain is to blame I'm afraid. It keeps on going, worrying about things that aren't really to be worried about. Not yet at any rate. There, now I am fully awake, Morpheus will be waiting for me in vain. Durn synapses, firin' all the time. Sigh. Might as well drink some Cola or something.

Macro Shots

Just bought a Sony Cybershot off of Rolf, who just got himself a canon 40D, (the bastard). It performs really nicely, very fast shutterspeed, which is a right therapy for my soul, after having spent years of missed photo oportunities with my olympus mju. I swear to whatever god you would care to name: 3 seconds delay when using the automatic settings. I ask you. I mean really.

A pendant some of my friends bought me when they visited Ireland a few years ago, on a replica wax-seal from Berlin, 1245.

Measuring tape, rolled up. What are you, blind?

Old timey christmas candle box.

More tapemeasure.
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Thursday 24 April 2008

Back to Blogger

Well, I'm back.

I started blogging on my website using Wordpress about a year ago, mostly because I wanted my posts, pictures and so forth to reside on my own server, and I wanted full control over what I was doing. As it turns out... that hasn't really happened. I like to post pictures. which I haven't been able to get to work properly on the other blog, which shall from now on be known as the old blog. And since I use Picasa anyway, and am not disinclined to post the odd video now and then. and basically just want it to bloody well work... here I am, back using blogger, throwing all pretenses at credibility to the wind.

If you want to check out what I've been writing for the past year or so, go to the old blog.

Here's a gratuitous picture:

Oh, by the way, I've started a family blog, here, or check the blogroll, mostly with news and pictures of the kids.

In other news, I am in my final semester of the basic ethnology course, next semester I've chosen design. After that, digital design & communication. Can't wait. Ethnology is still fun as hell, but the courses themselves have been lacking a bit as of late. The two that make up the current semester are fairly experimental, and not all that succesfull either. One is a bit superfluous, the other a very young experiment indeed. I am looking forward to something a bit different.