Monday 27 February 2006

Mettere radici

Or so it seems. I am, at the moment, feeling a tad antisocial. It has been literally months since I've seen any of my friends, been out, or done anything besides "family-stuff". Imagine my surprise when I found out I am quite content being a dad/husband. Mostly, anyway.
Once, every now and then, one does tend to miss a bit of brigandry, at least the type involving intoxicating liquids and bad singing, albeit the smoke usually associated with the aforementioned revelry is something I do happily without. Nevertheless, friends are an important part of a mans life, so it seems I should go about finding some again. Sigh.

Friday 24 February 2006

A pink Alphonse Mucha day

The printer is malfunctioning... I didn't know electronics could do that, aren't they filled with microchips these days? Oh well.
Should you not be aware who Alphonse Mucha was... enter yourself into the Darwin Awards. Or check out what you've missed.

Saturday 18 February 2006

Mmmmm... Grandma.

Hey there, Uncle Man.

Floating in space

Do I know you from somewhere?

Andreas' 4th birthday. The kids were not as bored as they look on the picture, they're just masticating y'know ;)

Andreas lurvs his new hair cut.

The Amazing Bulding Blocks Kid! All the extensions are completely identical. Wow. When I was his age I was building... well basically walls.

My babies.