Wednesday 27 June 2007


Wednesday 20 June 2007

Well... this is weird

I'm at my mums. I helped her and my brother move for my grandmum today, her apartment is getting painted, so she's staying with my mum for a few days. I drove back with them, helped prepare dinner, ate it... and now everyone but my grandmum is gone. Now, she refuses to wear her hearing aid, which means she guesses what you're telling her. And I haven't been alone with her... well, since she babysat me when I was really really young. And she doesn't talk! At all. She just sits there, nodding.

I wish she would wear the damn thing, I'd like to have a conversation with her.

I think it's about time to go home now.

All done!

Summer vacation is oficially here! Baby! The sun is shining, my brain is slowly turning to pudding... looks like its going to be a perfect summer.

Cecilie has started seeing a psychologist, yesterday actually, it went really well. That makes me so happy I could cry. Nothing is more important to me than my family being happy. And myself of course, although the two are very interlinked indeed.

I've started dieting again, I've lost a good 3,5 kilos this first week, not because I'm not eating at all, rather all the excess water has left my body. I feel sleeker already.

Playing World of Warcraft again, my new shammy gained three levels in a day, ah yes, the joys of double XP.

Started a forum, my family has finally joined in, and things are starting to heat up. A real discussion is actually underway in there, goodness me.

Apart from all that... Nothing to write really. Things are good. Going to play some computer games, do stuff outdoors...

Once in a while during the summer I'll try to read something study-related, at which point my brain will probably reemerge, and I'll try to remember to post at that time.

But for now, have a nice summer ;)