Monday 23 April 2007


Reverse Graffiti Check out this wikipedia article

And here's some of my own:

I feel much better

Why worry? Well, scratch that, lots of reasons to worry, the trick is to relax, says I.

I've been getting my creative groove on a bit, made a mock metal poster mock-up(!), as seen on the right. Also I finally loaded all the pictures I've taken with my mobile phone recently onto my computer. Only took me a couple of months... Yeah, I'd say I've been a bit preoccupied lately.

The upcoming exams, for which I haven't studied nearly enough, and probably won't get done in time either, have been weighing on my mind. That, and Cecilie's depression obviously.
But things are starting to look up, at least periodically. Which is fine by me, it indicates a slight upwards spiral.

On display today are my series of photographs, all of which I've entitled "Boo!". Enjoy.

Thursday 19 April 2007


I've just drunk 2 LITRES of 5% beer. I am at the moment finishing another pint. And I feel like more. It's getting... un-good. I had a bad feeling while I was buying the beer, while I was putting it in the fridge... at the moment my excuse is the whole "my wife is depressed". But that is, of course, not the one and only reason. I have an addictive personality, and will use any excuse to enforce it.

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Wednesday 18 April 2007

Oh noes indeed.

Here's something i wrote while fairly drunk a while ago:

There was a time when I got so many blowjobs, I, in the end, got bloody well tired of them. Funnily enough, this was back in my alcoholic phase, when I was acting like a complete arse towards the love of my life, the one person who understands me completely.

I am not completely sure what the point of that particular post might have been. A shortage of the aforementioned act of lovemaking?

On a more serious note, I feel a depression coming on. Normally I switch between being fairly creative, intuitive, and not so much of either. Recently, when I'm not actively doing something, I can't see past the next hour. Not a good sign.

Just talked, well, messaged, with an old classmate of mine. My number one nemesis back in the old days. I feel quite fondly towards him these days. i must be getting old. He's still not really my kind of person, but now I know all his bravado is because of basic insecurity. It helps to know people are inferior :P

Also, I just shaved my head bald. My hair was getting relatively long, and I've been dyng it green. Felt like a change I guess.

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Saturday 7 April 2007

Beginning to feel it.

I am at my mom's, for the single purpose of finishing an exam essay. I wrote about 8 pages last night, nice, considering the assignment is for at least 10 pages, and I' not really going for the gold on this one.

At the moment though, I have the mother of all headaches, and instead of writing, am drinking vodka, and watching Jackass. That's university for you.

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