Thursday 24 November 2005


Cecilie and Andreas are sleeping, Signe is on her (delayed) way here, and my mum's clamouring on the phone... It's my Grandmum's birthday today, and everything is going it's usual merry way... wheee :P.
Next week I'm off to Germany for five days, just me my dad and my siblings, I wasn't going to go, as Cecilie and Andreas were supposed to come, but Cecilie said I should bloody well go, and buy her the skinlotion she likes so well. yeah.

Sunday 20 November 2005

The sun is moving fast

Listening to System's new CD, hypnotize... aaaah, bliss.
Rolf is coming by today, I asked him to help out with some movement of furniture... and... well, gaming :P.
University is actually starting to be fun.
Soon, our baby is going to be born, technically my first-born... My gods.
I am actually looking forward to christmas this year, Andreas is going to be so happy...
Two years ago I had a semi-serious depression on and around christmas, last year wasn't too bad, I was a bit afraid it would happen again though. Luckily it did not, and this year.... there is nothing to be sad about. Apart from the Angst inherent in all human beings of course.