Friday 27 May 2005

Soon it'll all be over.

In the good way. My danish exam went just fine, a 7, not the best of grades, but considering my level of preparedness, it's a miracle I even passed the damn thing. Today is music my exam, last one for two weeks, I am going to get absolutely abysmal grades on this one, so I'm not too worried :D
The coming week I have to go to city hall, because the danish state in all it's wisdom doesn't think people should get any money in the 3 month period between educations, and with exams and all finding work has been a bit of a hassle, so... unemployment for me! yay.
Going to get some work asap, but not until exams are done with. Because frankly, we need money NOW, and you don't get paid before the very last day in the month if working, while the unemployment check comes in the door at the beginning of the month, so my possibilities are a bit limited. sigh.
But it's cool, could be loads worse. This weekend we're going to try and finish painting the apartment, and moving stuff around and so on and so forth, Cecilie's girlfriend is coming by this tuesday, and staying the night, before going to Switzerland.

If mum can do it, so can I. Notice the impressive abrasions on his nose: "Honey, don't jump down the stairs", "Okay dad, I won't!" smack!

Mummy's tummy. A common danish colloquialism for being pregnant is... oh wait, having "a bun in the oven"... from english... right. Damn. Cudos.

Beauty Divine

Thursday 26 May 2005

A really bad pic of my little brother. Naturally I uploaded it ;)

The face of the devil. i have exams tommorow and this evil man does his best to get me drunk. he then reclaims his good standing by giving some damn good advice, and saving my ass by sweet talking my old lady. Damn his bony ass. :D

Tuesday 24 May 2005

There we go...

That's much better. Had my exam in History today, got a 9, even though the subject was The vietnam war, definetely one of my weak areas. The teacher said i was wasting my talent, what with never doing homework or showing up for class. So... very nice, I still got it. Apparently, more exams to come of course. Also, my Bluetooth adapter should arrive tommorow, so more piccies! yay.

Saturday 21 May 2005

Music and beer

Wow, it's been quite a while since I've had time to myself. Cecilie has taken Andreas over to stepmom's, while I'm "studying". I just got the new System album as mentioned. Listening to music, drinking a few beers, just relaxing... it's been some time. God, how did I get so old so soon? It is in no way a bad thing, but once in a while a body needs to chill. Apparently I feel best when acting like i did when I was 22. So I'll go down and get a few more beers, and just relax. That's what I was doing when I got my super-mega cool grades last year. Worth a try :P


My very most favourite band, IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD I might add, System of a down, have released a new album! And I'm dl'ing it right now!(don't worry, of course I'll buy as soon as I get the chance) Life can be so rewarding. shouts out to Magnus for supplying delectable ear-goodies for long-time listening pleasure.

Friday 20 May 2005

My dear sister... and her dolly!?!?
Posted by Hello

A rather blurry pic of my very best friend Rob... I put it in because he really didn't want me to. What are friends for?

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Gah! the tounge of DOOM!
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The lil' tyke at his best.
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Andreas, summer of 2004.He's so cute. Just like his old man ;) Hey, this is MY blog, if'n ya want to complain about the whole sentimentality thing, you can go fuck yourself you fucknut! :P
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Last summer... even less hair. My son and wife-to-be.
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Me. Note the remarkable resemblance to my drawn alter ego!
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A character of mine. Very inventively named Nillerus :P Posted by Hello

Thursday 19 May 2005

Onwards and upwards

Just got my very first 5 today... that means "not passed". Wow. That's a new experience. Not that gruelling, my grades are exceptionally good apart from that one, so no biggie... well, my academic pride has been injured a bit, I'll have to concede, but it isn't all that bad. So there, apparently grades dont matter all that much to me. Good to know :)

Wednesday 18 May 2005

In the beginning there was nothing, and then it exploded.

To start off this blog... nothing much in the way of entertainment really. Be ready to be informed.

My name is Nils, I'm a 23 year old dane. I have a fiance, Cecilie, and a son, Andreas (3). We're getting married this august, and are expecting another child, to be born around december 30th.
I'm in the middle of exams right now, finishing the last of those in a month or so. Next (school)year it's off to university, or so I hope.


Now you know loads about me without really knowing me... A fabulous medium, this internet, is it not? :)

More posts soon to come, hopefully quite frequently, but for now I must study. Yay for me :P