Friday, 27 May 2005

Soon it'll all be over.

In the good way. My danish exam went just fine, a 7, not the best of grades, but considering my level of preparedness, it's a miracle I even passed the damn thing. Today is music my exam, last one for two weeks, I am going to get absolutely abysmal grades on this one, so I'm not too worried :D
The coming week I have to go to city hall, because the danish state in all it's wisdom doesn't think people should get any money in the 3 month period between educations, and with exams and all finding work has been a bit of a hassle, so... unemployment for me! yay.
Going to get some work asap, but not until exams are done with. Because frankly, we need money NOW, and you don't get paid before the very last day in the month if working, while the unemployment check comes in the door at the beginning of the month, so my possibilities are a bit limited. sigh.
But it's cool, could be loads worse. This weekend we're going to try and finish painting the apartment, and moving stuff around and so on and so forth, Cecilie's girlfriend is coming by this tuesday, and staying the night, before going to Switzerland.

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