We live almost right next to a home for autistic people. Every morning they'll come shuffling by, moaning and laughing, mumbling incoherently.
A blessing.
Gives me a much-needed dose of sanity every time I see them.
"Normal" people are slaves to social dogma, having spent their entire lives building up such exquisite filters for what is accceptable, that they have in effect walled themselves in, acknowledging only what is deemed appropriate. Boring, grey, dead.
Wednesday, 26 October 2005
Thursday, 20 October 2005
I've been quite busy lately. Alas, I've been busy doing everything I should not, avoiding what I must (reeeeaaaad). But I have read some none the less. Here you see a typical example of my... notetaking. colours indicate... colourfulness. POI of course, my wife just pointed out to me what pretty patterns I was making in my books. Ah yes, the arduous life of science and discovery :P
Monday, 10 October 2005
Sunday, 9 October 2005
Saturday, 8 October 2005
Autumn is closing in, and what better way to celebrate than having an intimate dinner party with a few friends, all dressed up in costumes, and getting so drunk you can't remember your own name?
Nothing, that's what.
Tuesday, 4 October 2005
We're getting our new bed today! yay. The old one is 120 cm. wide, the new one is going to be 180! Oooooooooh yeah. This has been an announcement by the board of telling trivial boring stuff to the public. Because we care.